The story of Cinderella. Here she is in all her rags, waiting for her Prince Charming.
2. Unfortunately, all she's got is me. But with a lot of tender loving care, I will make her into a little princess.
3. But first we have to disassemble her before we can make any progress.
4. Out with her axle.
5. No wheels on this wagon
6. Engine out.
7. Down to the shell.
8. Now time to turn her upside down.
9. Now we can see what the ravages of time have done to her. Not a pretty sight.
10. We can now see that the floor wants a complete renewal.
11. Not such a big job when you can make your own parts.
12. If you can't make your own, I know a man that can - ME!
13. Floor removed.
14. Fire wall OK - we can clean it up and get it fixed.
17. Renew tube at the bottom of door frame.
18. Old brackets and strengthening gussets welded to new tube.
19. View of battery box - this will have to be replaced with our part no: H5 Battery Box.
20. Manufactured new floor, (OUR PART NO = H1 LHD FLOOR).
21. Manufactured new wheel arch (OUR PART NO = H2 OUTER WHEEL ARCH REPAIR). These are made a bit longer so don't need handling and they'll fit both sides of the car.
22. Manufactured front outer repair wing (OUR PART NOS; H6 and H6A - FRONT WING REPAIRS - these are trimmed to blend in with part no - H2 wheel arch repair).
23. Manufactured inner wing bottom repair, fitted by butt welding to inner wing (OUR PART NO = H7 AND H7a).
24. Wheel arches fully welded in with wheel arch repair and dressed off.
26. Complete inner outer wheel arch manufactured and fitted to body (OUR PART NO = Ha3 NEAR SIDE INNER WHEEL ARCH REPAIR OUTER).
27. Trial fitting of outer wheel arch repair.
28. Offer up new outer wheel arch repair to body, mark round and cut out old body, replace with repair.
29. Wheel arch repair tacked in position, outer wing front tacked in position (part no H6A and H2 fitted).
30. Trim and blend corner.
31. New floor tacked in position.
32. Wheel arch and axle beam stiffeners welded in.
33. Outer sills trial fitted, body marked, trimmed with cutting disc (OUR PART NO = H4 AND H4H SILLS).
34. Inner fire wall edges replaced.
35. Outer wheel arch repair, trimmed and blended in with sill, ready for welding.
37. All joint edges cleaned and sanded, ready for fitting sill.
38. Sill tacked into position.
39. Sill spot welded across bottom seam
42. Sill fully welded in stitches to stop distortion.
44. New part for back offered up to body, body marked and trimmed as we did with the sill (OUR PART NO = H9 REAR FIRE WALL TOP REPAIR).
45. New back parts welded on.
47. Rear under back window repair spot welded and then subsequently welded to car (OUR PART NO = H8).
49. Now we sand-blast Cinderella to find any more places that may need repairing.
50. She's starting to look like the little princess that she will become.
51. New battery box manufactured and fitted (OUR PART NO; H5).
53. Checking for any cracks or small holes that may need repairing.
54. Body filling - I hate this part of the restoration but it as to be done.
56. Well primed.
57. Underfloor painted and chip guarded.
58. Underfloor top coated.
59. This starts to become fun as I wave my magic wand.
60. Parts are now fitted - this is the good bit for me.
62. I have rebuilt the engine, now ready for fitting.
63. Engine fitted.
65. Lots more parts fitted.
66. I'm on a roll, Cinderella's starting to look like a little smasher.
69. Fuel tank treated painted and fitted - also sound deadening.
71. Rear mudguard fitted as well as silencer / air filter intake.
72. Rear cowl fitted.
73. Interior trim fitted.
75. Time to get dressed.
76. Seats fitted, the tartan (acquired from the HTOC) is a very good match to the colour of the car.
77. Door fitted glass and acrylic to sides and rear windows.
80. Cinderella goes to the ball. At last dressed in her glad rags, she attends the ball. National Exhibition Center Birmingham. November 4-6, 2005.
Heinkel Trojan Owners Club stand.